Keswick Family Eyecare
76 Arlington Dr Keswick ON L4P 0A9 (905) 476-7978

Lenses: Your Window to the World

The right lenses literally change the way you see the world around you. We carry high quality lenses to ensure you see clearly, and experience your life as fully as possible. Ask us what lenses would work best for you, or read a little more about the amazing brands we carry below.

Sound Advice, No Pressure

At Keswick Family Eye Care, we don’t believe in high-pressure sales tactics. We’re more concerned with your confidence, comfort, and eye health. That’s why we promise we’ll never pressure you into a sale. Instead, we’ll give you all the information you need to make your own informed decision and answer any questions you might have.

At the end of the day, all we want is to see you happy.

Eyeglass Lenses

Clariti 1day
Convenient replacement schedule, all day comfort, these are the features people want in a daily disposable product. Look no further because clariti 1 day lenses feature unique WetLoc™ technology that results in a naturally hydrated lens. Made from Silicone hydrogel, the wearer gains a “breathable” more healthy experience.
Maui Jim
Maui Jim is the fastest growing maker of premium polarized sunglasses and prescription sunglasses in the world! It all began in Lahaina, Hawaii, with a need for sunglasses that could eliminate the harsh Hawaiian glare without distorting the colors of the island scenery.
ZEISS provides a broad performance spectrum in each lens category to serve individual consumer needs best.  Individualized premium ZEISS freeform lenses for the highest degree of customization in lens design and the optimal visual experience.
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